Cases on Breach of Agreement

Cases on Breach of Agreement: Understanding the Legal Consequences

Agreements are the foundation of any business relationship, and they are essential for defining the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved. When parties fail to comply with the agreed terms and conditions, a breach of agreement occurs, which can lead to legal consequences. In this article, we will explore some cases on breach of agreement and the outcomes of these cases.

1. Breach of Contract Case between Apple and Qualcomm

In 2016, Apple and Qualcomm entered into a contract agreement for Qualcomm to provide chips for Apple`s iPhones. However, in 2017, Apple accused Qualcomm of engaging in anticompetitive patent licensing practices and refused to pay royalties to Qualcomm. Qualcomm, in turn, sued Apple for breach of contract, seeking $7 billion in damages. The case went to trial, and the judge ruled in favor of Qualcomm, stating that Apple had breached the agreement by not paying the royalties owed to Qualcomm.

The outcome of this case sends a clear signal to companies that breach of agreement can have significant legal consequences, and parties should strive to honor their contractual obligations.

2. Breach of Lease Agreement Case between a Landlord and Tenant

In another case, a landlord sued a tenant for violating the lease agreement by subleasing the property to another tenant without obtaining the landlord`s consent. The landlord asked for an injunction to stop the sublease and sought damages for loss of income. The case went to trial, and the court ruled in favor of the landlord, stating that the tenant had breached the lease agreement by subleasing the property without obtaining the landlord`s consent.

This case highlights the importance of carefully reviewing lease agreements and obtaining the landlord`s consent before subleasing a property to avoid legal consequences.

3. Breach of Employment Contract Case between an Employer and Employee

Employment contracts are crucial for defining the terms and conditions of the employment relationship between an employer and employee. In a breach of employment contract case, an employee sued his employer for not complying with the terms of their agreement, which stated that the employee would receive annual bonus payments. The employer refused to pay the bonus, citing a downturn in the business. The case went to trial, and the court ruled in favor of the employee, stating that the employer had breached the employment contract by not fulfilling the terms of the agreement.

This case demonstrates that employers must be diligent in complying with the terms of employment contracts to avoid legal consequences and maintain healthy relationships with their employees.


In conclusion, breach of agreement can have significant legal consequences, as evidenced by the cases discussed above. It is vital for parties to review their agreements carefully and comply with the terms and conditions outlined in them. This way, they can avoid legal consequences and maintain healthy business relationships. As a professional, I encourage readers to contact a legal expert for advice on how to handle breach of agreement cases.