Price of Sales Agreement

When it comes to buying or selling anything, one of the most important documents you`ll need is a sales agreement. A sales agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of a sales transaction. It`s important to note that the sales agreement is not the same as a purchase agreement, which generally applies to real estate transactions.

One crucial component of the sales agreement is the price. The price of the item being sold needs to be clearly outlined in the agreement. It`s important to note that the price can be fixed or variable, depending on the terms of the agreement.

Fixed Price

A fixed price agreement is when the price of the item being sold is set in stone. This means that there is no room for negotiation or changes to the price. Once the price is agreed upon, it cannot be changed. This type of agreement is common in retail sales, where prices are typically non-negotiable.

Variable Price

A variable price agreement is when the price of the item being sold can change based on certain factors. Some examples of factors that can affect the price include:

– Quantity: The more of an item that is purchased, the lower the price per unit may be.

– Time: The price of a product may be higher or lower depending on the time of year or time of day.

– Condition: The price of a used item may be lower if it is in poor condition.

– Location: The price of a product may be higher or lower depending on the location it is being sold in.

It`s important to note that when negotiating a variable price agreement, all factors affecting the price should be clearly outlined in the sales agreement.


The price of a sales agreement is a crucial component that needs to be clearly outlined. Whether the price is fixed or variable, it`s important to ensure that both parties understand and agree to the terms of the agreement before signing. Getting a sales agreement right can save a lot of headaches down the road, so it`s worth taking the time to get it right.